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Robot Free Will

This conference paper explains how to implement a robot that is conscious, has feelings, and free will. It also deals with the nature of axioms in logic and introduces the idea of sub-atomic theorems in logic.

Robot Free Will (Presentation)

These are the presentation slides for the above conference paper.

Free Will

Galen Strawson reviews free will. In effect, he says there are four main issues to consider. Is free will (i) compatible or (ii) incompatible with a deterministic universe? Is responsibility (iii) compatible or (iv) incompatible with free will? The above articles on robot free will describe a form of free will which is (i) compatible with a deterministic universe and (iii) compatible with responsibility. Many thanks to Galen for providing this review.

Grand Challenge 5 - Architecture of Brain and Mind

This presentation was given at the CHPC/BCS conference on Grand Challenges in Computing on Tuesday 30 March 2004 at 2 p.m. in the Marriott Hotel, Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. The presentation describes how the Perspex provides an architecture for brain and mind. In addition, it alludes to research explaining why paradigm shifts occur and how to take advantage of this in the design of scientific instruments.

The presentation will be repeated in a one hour seminar, with an hour for questions, on Thursday 6 May 2004 at 3 p.m. in the Gordon Theatre, Engineering, The University of Reading, England.

Grand Challenge 5 - Submission

Grand Challenge Submission. This document was submitted to the Grand Challenge organisers for consideration by their programme committee. Its acceptance lead to the above presentation.

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