The Book of Paragon is a web site that
offers one solution to the centuries old philosophical conundrum of how
minds relate to bodies. This site shows that the perspective simplex, or perspex,
is a simple physical thing that is both a mind and a body.
perspex can be understood in many ways. Mathematically, the perspex is a
particular kind of matrix; concretely, it is simultaneously a physical
shape, a physical motion, an artificial neuron, and an instruction for a
machine that is more powerful than the Turing machine. In other words, a
perspex is an instruction for a perspex machine that is more
powerful than any theoretically possible digital computer.
The perspex machine operates in a 4D space of
perspexes called perspex space. This space is related to the 4D
spacetime we live in. It is claimed that the perspex machine can describe
any aspect of the universe we live in, and can be built from any part of
our universe. In other words, the universe can be understood as a perspex
machine. And, on the materialistic assumption, our bodies and minds are
physical things so they, too, can be understood as perspex machines.
This site contains mathematical formulas for
the perspex machine and for properties such as feeling, consciousness, and
free will. These things are described in scientific papers and books. The site also contains news items
that explain the perspex machine in a non-technical way, and it has links
to old research on the perspex machine.
The site will be updated as research
progresses. Feel free to contact the author to discuss any aspect of this
research, or to criticise or collaborate on the perspex machine.
