Ph.D. Studentship £12,500 p.a. + EU Fees
October 2006, Reading University, England
[This position has now been filled.]
A graduate with a
high degree of mathematical skill in vector analysis and calculus is
wanted to implement fluid dynamics on a software simulation of the
perspex machine with a view to firmware implementation in FPGA and
eventual hardware implementation on a dedicated chip.
A hardware
implementation might be one million times faster than software
implementation on a standard computer. This research offers a
unique opportunity for the successful student to develop highly
transferable technological skills in a scientifically and
economically important field of computing.
The studentship is
open to graduates from any country. It pays a stipend of £12,500
p.a. for three years, beginning in October 2006. Ph.D. fees will
also be paid at the EU rate, but students from outside the EU must
pay an additional fee (of approximately £7,500 p.a.).
The project will be
co-supervised by
Dr James
Anderson (Computer Science),
Dr Peter Sweby
(Mathematics), and
Professor David
Marshall (Meteorology).
For further details
Dr James Anderson. If you wish to apply for the studentship then
complete a
postgraduate application form and return it to the Faculty of
Science and Life Sciences as shown on the form.